Unit tests for ORM with fast-check

Stas Shakirov
2 min readJan 22, 2021

In this article, I am going to show how to use fast-check library to test simple Users ORM. I am assuming the ORM code is ready and will be focusing on the tests. Typescript will be used.


Fast-check is “Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck) written in TypeScript”.

What we are going to test


ORM(Object-relational mapping) enables us to work easily with non-scalar objects like Users in a context of a database. First of all, we want to verify the mapping from Javascript into SQL primitives and vice versa works.

Queries logic

We also want to verify that logic like filtering, sorting and grouping works according to requirements.

Let’s define our objects

We have User objects which we want to store in the ORM.

Implementation of the ORM is not important. It can be typeorm or any other.

In order to use fast-check, we need to define arbitrary for our Users.

Arbitraries — they are responsible for the random but deterministic generation of values, they may also offer shrinking capabilities

Now we can generate any number of User objects for our tests!

Testing of the mapping

Now we can verify that mapping from Javascript into SQL and vice versa works.

Testing queries logic

Let’s test that findUsersFromMars returns only users from Mars

Testing of more complex queries

Let’s extend our ORM with selectMany query

Now we can ensure that selectMany works as expected for any arguments.

Further steps

I demonstrated simple tests for very simple ORM, but this approach can be extended to

  1. more complex queries
  2. more complex objects
  3. stored procedures
  4. schema migrations


One of the biggest downsides of this approach is a need to support Arbitrary for each type you store in the ORM. The amount of code can be comparable to the tests themself.

Happy testing!

Originally published at https://bananamorphism.com on January 22, 2021.

